Sunday 10 May 2015

Weeks 25 to 33: Update

I really haven't been updating this blog very much lately. I would blame it on exam stress but fact is, I haven't been updating it even over Easter break. Anyway, here is a quick update of my life in the past two months.

1. Finally settled my internship for the summer break. I will be interning at PwC for about two months when I finally go back to Malaysia for the summer. Not exactly the dream but a good avenue to work on my social skills and gain working experience which hopefully will come in useful when I actually start applying for graduate jobs.

2. Visited London twice over the break and it was pretty nice seeing my cousin and getting to eat decent Asian food for once. Visited Greenwich. Pleasant place.

3. One of my childhood friends dropped by Coventry on her visit to the UK. I haven't seen her in ages so it was really nice to catch up with her.

4. Music-wise, nothing much happened. Despite plans to use my newly-acquired microphone to record some music over the break, there hasn't been much progress in that department. I did record a shitty demo of a song which I have recorded many times. The idea behind the demo was good, but execution wasn't there. Will have to work on that once exams are over.

5. On a different note, Malaysian Night happened. It was interesting to see songs I wrote being performed onstage by other people. One the songs went decently well (I'll just leave this here) while the other...let's just say it could have been better. The night, on a whole, could have went better. Let's just leave it at that.

6. Module registration for 3rd year opened a week ago and it was pretty stressful trying to login to the system but I managed to register for all the modules I wanted which is more than many other people can say. I have to say, I am pretty excited to take the modules next year mainly because I chose them myself and I made sure that there was a good balance of things that I want to learn and other stuff that could help my future career prospects. So I have that to look forward to next year.

7. Exams are only a couple weeks away. Pretty nervous. Study plans have not exactly gone to plan. Take today for an example. I was supposed to be in the library finishing up revision for a module but here I am writing this blog post. Hopefully I'll be able to at least get a bit of revision done later.

So that's about it. I have plans to revamp my Soundcloud page and start uploading covers more frequently. So look out for that. Youtube will come later. I will need to seriously up my game if I want to make it happen.

Bye for now! Hopefully my next post won't be too long away.

Signing off,

P.S. My love life has gone in an interesting direction. ;)