Thursday 27 August 2015

Summer: Quick Update!

I have basically been neglecting this blog ever since I've returned to my homeland of Malaysia for the summer. Sorry for that! I have been pretty busy working on a few things this summer and I think they've been going along pretty decently so far.

First off, I've been spending the past 7 weeks interning in a pretty famous international professional services firm. Past me would have been ecstatic about this internship but in the past few years, I've grown quite a lot and I don't think that becoming an auditor is the road I want to take in life. This internship has only served to prove me right in that aspect to be perfectly honest. While the work itself can sometimes be interesting and challenging, I am finding it very hard to be motivated to work. To be fair, I have been able to see how what I'm learning in university translates to a workplace scenario. But, I just cannot see myself being the sort of person whose 9-5 job basically takes over his/her life. I honestly do not mind working everyday but not if it was for something that I do not care about. If anything, this internship has made me respect auditors even more. Doing a thankless job and living that lifestyle really can take a toll on a person.

The second thing that I've been working on is basically a job search. Ever since deciding that I didn't want to become a typical accountant or a banker early this year, I have been looking around for jobs within the music industry related to my degree. I have managed to contact an alumni of my university and have been talking about opportunities in the industry. It may not be the most promising but I believe that there is a way in somehow. I'm not as far along in this as I would like to be but it's still progress.

The third thing that I have been working on is my revived Soundcloud page (which you can check out HERE!). The current plan is to upload one cover every month which actually is not that frequent, so hopefully I'll be able to keep it up! Also, I have recently hit 300 total plays on my page! It isn't much but it's a start. Fingers crossed that this will become a mildly successful thing. Besides that, I may be involved in something new in the near future. Still just an idea at the moment but I have a good feeling about it so keep an eye out for that!

In the meantime, check out my favourite cover I've uploaded so far!

Peace out,