Monday 3 November 2014

Week 6: Meh

Just overheard my housemate talking on the phone about having a support system. The friends with whom I can just text on a whim and they will entertain me. I don't really have them anymore. Obviously, friendships come and go. But those that I honestly thought would last seem to be fading away.

Lately, I have been so busy with exec duties, my new band and coursework that my social life has fallen wayside. Seems like I haven't been doing very well socially this week. On the bright side, I met someone who I thought I would never talk to again by pure chance. To be honest, I might never talk to him again. So, I've got that going for me. Also, met someone who I knew I would see again but did not expect the treatment I got (basically I got ignored the whole time).

There were a couple of times this week when I was alone in the house and my mind started wandering, eventually it ended up in the realms of my non-existent love life. As usual. I wonder whether I am starting to sound desperate. Just the other day, I was talking with another of my housemates and we talked about how one of our mutual friends finally got a girlfriend after wanting one for a long time. Don't get this wrong, we are happy for him but she did raise an interesting point: are we happy for him because he has a girlfriend or because he finally found a girlfriend?

Nothing ever just falls into our laps. Love life included. If I don't make an effort to talk to other people and show that I'm interested, how will I know whether they're interested (or not) as well? Sometimes, we just have to take things into our own hands and go after what we really want (obviously harder than it sounds).

In the mean time, while I've been immersing myself in self-pity and self-doubt, I have been surrounding myself with music. As usual, I have been going to Glee sessions every week (even skipping lectures, oh well). I have also started playing with a band consisting of a few people from The Victor's Jig last year and a vocalist from another band. My songs seem to have been received pretty well so far, so I hope stuff will get going as soon as possible this year. Also, I have started writing songs for the MNight production. Never specifically written songs for something before, so I hope that it turns out alright. Anyway, there are other people writing songs as well, so it's not all on me (thank god).

I shall go back to moping and procrastinating. Till next time.

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