Tuesday 16 April 2013


Have been thinking alot about my future and honestly, I'm extremely scared but excited. Future as in everything after A2.

I'm actually very excited about going off to the UK to study even though I might not like what I'm studying. Still, the prospect of just flying off and living on my own in a foreign place is thrilling but scary at the same time. Of course, that's provided I can achieve the grades I need. Not that it's a huge problem but the standard I set for myself is way above the level I need to achieve. Sometimes I wish that I don't set such high expectations of myself because I just give myself more stress. Then again, stress is good for building character, right?

My future also includes my future after university and that's the worst part because I have no idea what career I want to pursue (excluding, you know, that thing). Well, ideally, I would be signed to a record label but that is just as remote as me becoming a millionaire tomorrow. But, still, I have been doing some research on that and every single piece of advice is to have a demo to distribute to labels or random people involved in the industry. Sounds easy enough but recording a demo requires some moolah and I don't have much of that (my parents' money isn't mine, FYI). Well, I've been thinking of alternative way to do it and I might have come up with one although I haven't tested it yet. Well, that'll be my first personal project during the holidays after A2 exams.

Still wondering whether or not to perform during prom. Auditions are next Monday and I do not have much time left to make a decision. The thing is, if I want to perform, it'd be best if somebody could accompany me on guitar but I don't really want to distract people from their studies. What a dilemma. I guess I could play the guitar myself but I suck at it and I am not at my best singing while playing the guitar.

This couple of months will be one heck of a ride. Mostly because I got to persevere and make myself study for A2. I honestly just lost all motivation to study after trials. The holiday was such a momentum-bummer.

Back to the books? Bye for now. :)

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