Tuesday 21 May 2013

I'm Still Alive

Good morning, people. At least, it's morning when I'm typing this, not necessarily morning when you read this. In that case, good day, people. I really should be studying considering that I have an exam in less than 24 hours but laziness strikes again.

Well, the thing about the exams this time is that I'm thinking a lot about my preferred career path (just to avoid thinking of exams) and I've started on a couple of personal projects that could possibly help me achieve it. In addition, I've taken to trying to produce full tracks using rather unconventional methods, although I've only just started, I just realised that suddenly independently producing a whole album on my own is actually remotely possible.

Previously, I thought that it was impossible because I didn't have the equipment, I didn't know how to play a variety of instruments required to make a full track, I didn't have money to record it, etc. Recently, I realised that it was all excuses I made for myself because I found a rather unconventional but effective way to record songs. AND IT WON'T COST ME A SINGLE CENT! That's the best part. I always thought that I would need some serious moolah to go into the studio and record stuff. And even then I'd need a sound engineer to help me put the tracks together. Now, with help of Mr Google, free software off the net, a camera and my lousy old laptop, I can actually put together a whole song.

This will take quite some time. Probably coming out to a couple of months. But it's all worth it. I haven't given up on dreams yet. There's still hope y'all. Hope anybody who reads this doesn't give on their dreams too. :)


P.S. Lately I've been thinking of maybe adopting an English name and the name Hadrian keeps popping into my mind. No idea why but it attracts me for some reason. But, in any case, I still find it weird if people called me by another name other than my birth name. So, I will most probably just stick to my own name. Maybe I'll use it as a stage name. Haha.

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