Tuesday 18 June 2013


Hey. Finally finalised the Singapore trip with classmates. Met up at Sunway Pyramid, so I dropped by Guitar Collection to buy a capo. I guess I'll be working with my dad this hols, since I'm just too lazy to do anything. I dropped a few emails to a couple of companies but no response still.

Anyway, my demo recording has been delayed a bit because of a sore throat. Although I've recovered but my voice still sounds a bit gravelly. In any case, I'll be uploading the audio for my song to Youtube within the next few days, so look out for it. But there's a bit of a problem. For some reason, when I use Movie Maker, there's no sound for the video. Weird. I'll try to sort out the problem and upload the audio. It will include super awesome artwork made by my friend. So excited.

Oh, and I had a super cool dream last night. I only remember some parts but it was so awesome. I dreamt that I was on this adventure thingy with Aragorn and Faramir (don't ask, I'm baffled too). I had this sword and magic powers (LOL!). So, we were like going through this tunnel place where only one person could pass at a time, so we were walking in a single file. Then suddenly, something happened, boom boom boom, then Aragorn was gone and Faramir was leading. Fast forward to no idea when, Faramir, some weird seer lady and me were at a table eating. Then the lady got a vision and then Saruman somehow took control of her and I had to stop it using some hocus-pocus, then I woke up. Super childish dream, but it was awesome while it lasted. Haha. At least it's better than the dreams I use to have with the Xenomorph or T-Rex chasing me. I wonder why my dreams are so childish? But they're awesome and they don't need to make sense.

My holidays have been basically a waste so far. Hopefully it'll become more productive as time goes on. Till next time. Bye. ;)

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