Sunday 27 April 2014

Week 31: Up and Running

Finally got my shit together after going through a panicking phase for a couple of days. I've been in the library for at least 2 hours everyday studying this week. It seems like I may be able to go through everything at least once before the exams start. Hopefully it works out like that. The coming week will be a bit busy. I have band practice and my last gig on Friday. I also have an interview for a job at the Arts Center on Wednesday which hopefully goes well considering my track record of bad interviews.

I went to POP on Wednesday. It's the last clubbing night for me until the exams are over. Safe to say, I got pretty drunk. Accidentally spilled my drink on Nicole's friend (oops). Thank god he wasn't too hung up over it. Someone literally dumped beer over my head. Not that I minded that much. I was having too much fun. The music was brilliant. The DJ was playing a lot of super cheesy stuff which I never thought I would hear in a club (I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)!!!). Sort of met a guy who bumped into me at least 5 times. I think he's called Yuri or something. He introduced me to his girlfriend and awkward standing around occurred. Then the partying continued. Overall, pretty good night.

Study mode is on now. Hopefully I can scrape a first class out of this mess I call my first year in uni. Not that it matters a lot. It doesn't even factor into my final degree.


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