Saturday 7 March 2015

Weeks 19-24: Battered and Tired But Still Moving On

It's been some time, huh?

A lot has happened since the last time I updated this blog. Short update jobs-wise: everything has been a train wreck but I'm still applying for internships. Hopefully, I'll get one.

Academically, I think I'm doing alright. To be honest, the group project didn't really go as well as I hoped it would but it was still pretty much smooth sailing, so I don't have much to complain about.

I took part in Battle Of The Bands again this year. It didn't go as well as it did last year but really, last year is pretty hard to live up in terms of band-side success. I was working with a way smaller band and had to deal with considerable lack of guitar skills in the band and also the lack of drums. I had hoped to do better but it wasn't meant to be. The praise for the songwriting was a nice consolation though considering that I wrote two songs of the three-song set.

Next up, Masters of Show Choir! I have to say, it was an amazing experience to have taken part in this. The run up to the competition was pretty intense but still fun. It was so different to dikir last year. Everybody was just having fun and had a common goal. On the day of the competition itself, the team had so much fun that winning just wasn't a priority anymore. It was such a high that this past week just felt so bland.

Speaking of the past week, I went to karaoke night at the uni pub and it was actually pretty fun. I ended up onstage singing an alcohol-fuelled version of Shakira's Hips Don't Lie.

Now, I'm back to boring studying. I have a test and a presentation on the same day next week. Both are assessed which is a bit of a bummer. Hopefully both of them will turn out alright.

Before I end this post, can I take a minute just to say, "How good is Kelly Clarkson's new album?" Honestly, it's not that great but still it's a solid album. Also, I'm such a huge fan that I don't really care.

Signing off,

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