Monday 9 November 2015

Weeks 1 to 5: Final Year

I've been back at university for about 5 weeks now and it's been a bit crazy.

I've been quite enjoying the modules that I am taking this term. Probably because I actually chose those modules. The ethics module is the one which I am enjoying the most at the moment, mainly because the lecture style is so different from what I am used to. Due to the small class size, classes are a lot more interactive and I also get to read children's books as part of the module, so that's pretty great. Not sure how well I will do in the assessment because there is almost no limit to what I can do for the creative piece and essay. I have been thinking quite a lot about what I want to do for the assessment and I do have a couple of ideas, so hopefully I can get working on it soon after I talk to the tutor about it.

Job applications have also been a massive part of my life at the moment. I am currently applying for jobs in the UK, mainly audit related ones but also trying out for music industry stuff as well. At the moment, I only have one application which has gone relatively well and I am now waiting to arrange a telephone interview with the company. I also submitted application for a data analyst job in a music-streaming service which is basically my dream job but I still haven't heard back from them in the past two weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed for that but my prospects do not look very good at the moment. I'll send them a follow up email soon and hope for the best. I really did not expect job applications to be so stressful but I guess that's the price I have to pay if I want to stay in the UK.

Music has taken a slight back seat in my life for now but I am still working on some stuff. I played a short set with my friend for a festival held at my university and it was quite fun although I did mess up the lyrics quite a bit. The crowd was basically non-existent when we started playing but slowly grew to a decent size towards the end. A complete stranger did walk up to us and complimented us which was brilliant. My Soundcloud page recently hit 500 total plays which is nice. I'm having a lot of fun making these monthly covers, so hopefully I will be able to keep it up. My next one will feature a couple more instruments than I usually have in my covers. A bit of experimentation on that one. Hope that turns out alright. In the meantime, enjoy my previous cover:

Till next time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I dropped by (: keep up the good work with the covers (Y)