Sunday 12 January 2014

Week 16: Hello

So, lectures have started again. Seminars start tomorrow and I still haven't done any work. I did manage to finish one essay which is good. Now, I just have one more to go.

This week was pretty uneventful other than my first visit to Kasbah. I was busy trying to finish off the UOB essay which I basically finished. Need to work on the intro and conclusion though. But Kasbah was nice. Crazy stuff went down in there. Haha. I danced with at least 6 strangers and I think 2 of them had me in a headlock. I like the alternative bar better than the main dance floor but there were so few people there that I went back to the main dance floor. Quite a few of my flatmates got drunk and they acted real funny when we got back. I was pretty much sober (only had a cider and a Jaegerbomb), although I act a bit drunk when I don't have enough sleep.

I'm going to work hard the following week so I can enjoy myself during Skool Dayz. Yay!

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