Friday 11 October 2013

Week 3: Me Time

My 3rd week at Warwick is nearly over and it has been so hard to find "me time".

If you didn't know, I'm the type of person who needs some "me time" at least once a week. I didn't have any on the first week. I had like an hour last week. And I'm having one now which I hope will last for at least 2 hours.

For me, "me time" is for me to escape from everything happening around me. A short time when I can just stop interacting with anybody both virtually and physically. Even back home where life was not as fast paced as it is here, I would spend hours just listening to music and staring at the ceiling (and also occasionally falling asleep in the process).

I have been busy with only 2 societies so far. Only 2. And the Malaysian Society hasn't even started doing society stuff yet. I already have a bunch of seminar work that I have to finish. So, yeah, quite busy. I don't think that things will ease up anytime soon. I'll probably have to wait till Christmas break to enjoy more "me time". Till then, I'll just have to be content with 1/2 hour sessions each week.

Cheers from the UK,

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