Tuesday 18 March 2014

Week 25: Last Week of Term 2

The final week of the Spring Term has finally passed. It's been a busy week.

I had a Management Accounting class test on Monday which I think went okay (hopefully it will reflect in the results).

I spent the whole of Tuesday studying for the Financial Management test on Wednesday which went surprisingly well even if I didn't get a first. Considering how little I actually studied for it, my results were actually well above expectations.

Spent the rest of Wednesday rushing to finish the Business Planning assignment with my group mates. I only managed to finish my part at 3am in the morning while my other group mate who was compiling the whole business plan stayed up till 5am. I'm so glad that is finally out of the way.

I went to the Glee social at Cosmo on Thursday. Had a huge dinner. I was so full after that.

Got my Business Law results back on Friday. Wasn't too bad. I do wish it was higher but it's still a first, which is pretty good. Spent some time with my flatmates watching weird videos and pulling pranks on each other.

Saturday was Warwick Malaysian Games. I spent the day as a volunteer. I was ushering for like an hour. Then I was dragged over to help with football. After that, I helped out with swimming as a timekeeper. Someone who has been actively avoiding me actually sort of talked to me but he clearly still doesn't want anything to do with me.

Sunday was a pretty good day in terms of socializing. I talked to my family through Skype in the morning. I went out for lunch with some of my band mates (and got some juicy gossip!). Went for a picnic with my flatmates and some people from another block. Spent the night at the MNight social eating and playing Mafia.

Can't wait for the OneRepublic concert on Tuesday!!

Signing off,

P.S. I won 2 tickets to go see OneRepublic!!! But I already bought my ticket, so now I'm trying to sell them off to recoup what I spent on my own ticket. Still no takers though. D:

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