Sunday 8 December 2013

Week 11: End of Term

It honestly just seems like yesterday that I arrived at Warwick. So weird. Most of my flatmates are leaving for the winter break, so it'll be extremely quiet when I come back from Czech Republic and also after Christmas.

I really had a good time this term and I'm looking forward to the rest of the academic year (not so much to the assignments and exams though). The people that I met here are all so nice and I made so many new friends. I thought that coming to a university with such a big Malaysian population would mean that I'd stick to mostly Malaysians but I actually proved myself wrong. I have made friends with people from so many places that I'm actually impressed with myself. Good job, self (syok sendiri!!!!).

To be honest, academically, I have not done much. So I'll be working through the holidays to finish my two essays and make them as good as I possibly can. I don't want to disappoint myself again.

On non-academic stuff, it has been loads of fun. I joined the Glee club, I joined a band, I went partying, I got drunk. I guess that's quite a good experience of uni life. Next term, I will seriously cut down on partying because it really hurts my wallet sometimes. Only 2 parties max next term. I will do it!

I still cannot believe that my first term at Warwick has already ended. Time passes by so quickly. I haven't even gotten to know so many people properly and now they are going home for Christmas. This is the first year which I won't be going on a vacation with my family but I'll be receiving not one but TWO care packages over Christmas (yay!). I really miss home but I do love Warwick as well. Life is good.

Happy and sleepy,

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